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IPv6 Projects

With over 10 years of experience in R&D+i in IPv6, The IPv6 Company is a pioneer in Spain and the rest of the world, leading key projects of the European IST program, as well as the National Spanish PROFIT program.


Click over the link below to see a complete list of R&D+i projects, related to IPv6, in which The IPv6 Company has participated:



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Logo: ETSI IPv6 Testing

ETSI IPv6 Testing

( This project has provided a publicly available test development framework as well as interoperability test packages for four key areas of IPv6, namely core protocols, security, mobility and transitioning (IPv4 to IPv6). The approach is based on flexibility and extensibility to facilitate testing of IPv6 products for interoperability in many contexts including development, procurement and certification schemes. This has been an ETSI TC MTS project, co-funded by ETSI and the EC/EFTA (eEurope 2005). It has taken into account ETSI needs such as those of 3GPP and TC TISPAN. The work was done in a close relationship with the IPv6 Ready testing and certification program of the IPv6 Forum. Consulintel actively participated in ETSI STFs 236, 276 and 276-2

Logo: ETSI Plugtests

ETSI Plugtests

( The ETSI Plugtests is a professional unit specializing in running interoperability test events for a wide range of telecommunications, Internet, broadcasting and multimedia converging standards. Consulintel has participated in the following events:

1st Multi-sites Remote IPv6 Interoperability Test Event held on May 2003, in parallel with the IPv6 Global Summit in Madrid, Spain. There were tested the interoperability of the IPv6 core protocol, routing, transition and IP security. For the first time a real IPv6 network environment was available, a permanent IPv6 link using the Euro6IX pan-European IPv6 network was used. This provided remote testing and the opportunity for companies in Europe, America and Asia, unable to attend, to participate from a distance. The participants included ETSI, IPv6 Forum, Interoperability Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire, Technical University of Madrid, Consulintel, Lucent, Microsoft, Spirent, Hitachi, IP Infusion, Agilent, Ericsson, Telebit, Samsung and Nokia.

1st Powerline Plugtests held on 2003

2nd Powerline Plugtests held on 2004

3rd Powerline Plugtests held on 2005



( Currently, high speed asymmetrical Internet access is widely deployed in Europe and worldwide. This access type is tailored to Internet browsing and download, a rather passive type of user behaviour. In future, subscribers will become more and more active and will also upload significant amount of data into the Internet. PlaNetS will contribute to the overall goal of eEurope 2005, to provide cost effective broadband access to all European citizens based on a converged network unifying the current heterogeneous networks (incl. wireless, cellular, WLAN). The converged network will be centred around the Internet Protocol IPv6. PlaNetS will play a key role in this introduction. An IPv6 implementation scenario will be worked out and lab trials will be built up entirely based on IPv6 including monitoring, remote control, automation, surveillance and related features.

Logo: IPv6 Research and Development in Europe

IPv6 Research and Development in Europe

IPv6 Research and Development in Europe published in 2002 by IST 6LINK project with the support of EC and IST IPv6 Cluster. This book provides an overview of European R&D activities in the IPv6 area.

Logo: IST Cluster Booklet 2003

IST Cluster Booklet 2003

IPv6 Cluster - Moving to IPv6 in Europe published in 2003 by IST 6LINK project with the support of EC and IST IPv6 Cluster. This book provides an overview of European R&D activities in the IPv6 area, focusing on projects, networks, trials and applications developed and demonstrated in the IST Programme.

Logo: IST Cluster Booklet 2005

IST Cluster Booklet 2005

IPv6 Cluster - IPv6 and Broadband published in 2005 by IST 6LINK project with the support of EC and IST IPv6 Cluster. The IPv6. This book provides an overview of the European R&D activities in the IPv6 area, including deployment status for both IPv6 and Broadband, in Europe and the rest of the world.

Logo: IPv6 Legal Aspects

IPv6 Legal Aspects

Legal Aspects of the New Internet Protocol published in 2005 by IST Euro6IX project with the support of EC. This book aims to contribute some basic knowledge about the technical specifications of IPv6 and to analyse, from a legal point of view, the problems and possible solutions that could exist regarding the right to privacy, data protection and intellectual property rights. It is targeted also to lawyers and not necessarily just to a technical audience.

Logo: Enable Book

Enable Book

Enabling efficient and operational mobility in large heterogeneous IP networks published in 2008 by IST ENABLE project with the support of EC. This book covers several aspects for the efficient and operational deployment of mobility in large heterogeneous IP networks. The publication includes a brief presentation of the project and some of the technical achievements, contributions to standardization work, and several selected papers related to the project work.

Logo: IPv6 Para Todos

IPv6 Para Todos

IPv6 para Todos (IPv6 for All) published in 2009 by ISOC Argentina, in cooperation with the 6DEPLOY project. This book is an IPv6 usage and application guide for different network environments. It is targeted to different types of readers, including end users, SOHO, enterprise, education and research networks, and ISPs. It also includes a section on how to deploy several IPv6 services. The first edition is available in Spanish and can be downloaded here. Soon a new edition will be released in English and other languages being considered.

Logo: The Choice IPv4 Exhaustion Or Transition To IPv6 v4.4

The Choice IPv4 Exhaustion Or Transition To IPv6 v4.4

Logo: IPv6 Spain

IPv6 Spain

Logo: IPv6 Day

IPv6 Day

( In March 2003, the IETF decided that was the right time to start the phase-out of the IPv6 experimental network (6Bone), which started in 1996. This included a phase-out plan that defined that on 6 of June of 2006, no 6Bone prefixes will be used on the Internet in any form. The IPv6 Day wants to acknowledge the efforts of all the 6Bone participants, the IETF community which developed IPv6, other organizations engaged in the IPv6 promotion, and operators and end-users that have been early adopters. On June 6, 2006, end-users will be able to connect to the above website to learn about issues like how to turn-on IPv6 in their operating systems, how to obtain IPv6 connectivity and how to try some of the available services. Organized and Supported by ISOC, AfriNIC, APNIC, ARIN, LACNIC, RIPE NCC, ICANN, IANA, The IPv6 Portal and The IPv6 Forum

Logo: IPv6 Forum

IPv6 Forum

( A worldwide consortium of leading Internet vendors and NRENs are shaping the IPv6 Forum. Its mission is to promote IPv6 by dramatically improving the market and user awareness, creating a quality and secure Next Generation Internet and allowing worldwide equitable access to knowledge and technology. Consulintel is founding member of IPv6 Forum, and co-chair of the Education, Awareness, Public Relations and Promotion Working Group.

Logo: IPv6 to Standard

IPv6 to Standard

( The IETF IPv6 working group has started the process to advance the core IPv6 specifications to the last step in the IETF standardization process (e.g., Standard). IETF protocols are elevated to the Internet Standard level when significant implementation and successful operational experience has been obtained. Vendors with IPv6 products are encouraged to participate in this process by identifying their IPv6-enabled products (hardware, software, services, etc.) by means of IPv6-to-Standard web page. Consulintel is the main promoter of this web page in order to support IETF IPv6 work.



( 6DEPLOY aim is to provide IPv6 training and support for deployments to network operators, service providers and industry throughout the world. The project offers not only the direct training of engineers and network administrators, but will also transfer knowledge and best practices on the subject to other trainers, who can then use the 6DEPLOY material to teach others. Regarding support for IPv6 deployments, partners are already familiar with Use Cases for schools and university campuses. Benefits can also be envisaged for commercial companies working in such areas as emergency services, transport, broadcast, health, environment, gaming, etc., and the project welcomes requests for support from these industries.



( The 6LINK project aims to unite IPv6 projects across the IST Programme and beyond. It seeks to identify IST projects that have an interest in IPv6, including projects that may not mention IPv6 specifically in their definitions, and to bring representatives from identified projects together in a series of workshops. These workshops will serve to foster a common view of the status of IPv6 development and deployment in Europe and elsewhere, and will permit the identification of the most important issues for IPv6 deployment in Europe. The project seeks to identify common issues and promote shared understanding amongst all participants, and to disseminate this work to a wide audience. Dissemination vehicles will include an annual publication of reports compiled by members of the 6LINK consortium. In addition, the 6LINK project will establish an IPv6 resource centre which will serve as a repository for the outputs of 6LINK as well as providing an important source of up-to-date and detailed information about IPv6-enabled applications and IPv6 standards.



( The main goal of 6POWER project is to contribute to ensuring affordable broadband access and the deployment of IPv6 in Europe, as stated in the conclusion of the Presidency from the Barcelona European Summit. In order to achieve this goal, the project will research the native support and deployment of IPv6, QoS and other advanced services over Power Line Communication networks. The PLC technology deployed in this project is intended to provide up to 45 Mbps (rather than 2Mbps, that is the data rates provided by some vendors in some European countries nowadays) and to support QoS features to the upper layers (IPv6) through well-defined and standardized interfaces.

Logo: IST 6QM


( 6QM is specifically devoted to measurement technologies for Quality of Service in IPv6 networks. 6QM develops a comprehensive system integrating functions for QoS measurement, such as packet capturing, precise time-stamping, data collection, QoS metrics derivation (delay, loss, jitter etc.) and result presentation.



( ENABLE will concentrate on the following main areas of work: 1. Enhancement of Mobile IPv6 to enable, in the medium term, the offering of transparent terminal mobility in large operational networks including multiple administrative domains, heterogeneous access technologies and a rapidly growing number of users. This activity will address outstanding Mobile IPv6 issues like service authorization, autoconfiguration, interworking with IPv4, coexistence with IPv6 middle-boxes (e.g., firewalls) and protocol reliability. 2. Enrichment of the basic mobility service provided by Mobile IPv6 with a set of additional features, enabling the on-demand activation and autoconfiguration of specific "premium" network features (e.g., multihoming, QoS, fast handovers) based on the operator policies and customer's profiles. 3. Analysis of goals and design principles for the evolution beyond Mobile IPv6 in the long term. This activity will investigate scalability and performance issues that Mobile IPv6 might raise when the vast majority of Internet nodes will become mobile, introducing the requirements for a highly efficient treatment of traffics generated on the move. Moreover, the promising but not yet fully understood mobility management alternatives (e.g., Host Identity Protocol) will be assessed, with the objective to identify possible strategies for their smooth deployment starting from an architecture based on Mobile IPv6.

Logo: IST Euro6IX


( The goal of Euro6IX is to support the rapid introduction of IPv6 in Europe. The project researches, designs, and operates a native pan-European IPv6 network, which interconnects 7 IPv6 Internet Exchange points. This network is called Euro6IX testbed and within this network the Euro6IX project includes the most advanced services obtainable from present technology following the architecture of the current Internet (based on IPv4). Consulintel was the scientific coordinator of the project as well the co-coordinator of the management duties

Logo: IST Eurov6

IST Eurov6

( The European IPV6 Showcase project aims at information dissemination and awareness raising about the IPv6 protocol. It has the objective to bring together sponsors (operators, manufacturers, service providers) to test their devices and systems and present users application, permanently in Brussels and possibly in other places, and also at distributed centres around Europe. The project will be launched in a public place chosen with good connectivity and visibility to set up a showcase of IPv6 networks, services and applications. The project will create a package of applications and services, together with documentation and installation tips, so that the Showcase can be installed easily in various locations, for various opportunities.

Logo: IST IPv6 Cluster

IST IPv6 Cluster

( In early 2001, the IPv6 related projects expressed the need to have an IPv6 cluster which could provide a platform to the IST projects for the development of liaison mechanisms, ranging from the exchange of technical information to the organisation of common trials. The IPv6 cluster started in June 2001. Its main objective is to set up a platform for exchange of information and experience on agreed methodology for the benefit of the IST projects. This is achieved through discussion groups, common reports suitable for publication, periodic common workshops, common trials and demonstrations. Standardisation activities are addressed through concerted contribution and the distribution of reports.

Logo: IST IPv6 Task Force

IST IPv6 Task Force

( This is an initiative of the European Commission in April 2001. It includes representatives of European ISPs, telecom operators, mobile operators, equipment supply industries, Research Networking, and key "application" sectors. By the end of 2001 it had developed a comprehensive action plan, aimed at ensuring the timely availability of IPv6.

Logo: IST IPv6 Task Force - Steering Committee

IST IPv6 Task Force - Steering Committee

( This project will to continue the successful work of the IPv6 Task Force, that has been initiated by the European Commission with individuals from industry, academia and various consortia to develop a strategy for the introduction of IPv6, with a focus on European initiatives. This project provides a Core Team for the IPv6 Task Force that continues the work done in a more professional way. The work of the Task Force has been on a voluntary basis and has resulted in a set of key recommendations that have been passed to various addressees, including the Commission, European member states governments, industry and industry associations. The target is to play an instrumental Role in the Deployment and co-ordination of introduction of IPv6 in Europe on a large scale by 2005 and beyond. It deals with IPv6 network co-operation aspects specially for new services and new developments to 4G.

Logo: IST RiNG


( The goal of RiNG is to support the coordination, study and analysis of routing protocols on the Internet, to identify and analyze the challenges ahead, considering the current and future expected Internet growth. This will lead to proposals for novel approaches towards the evolution of routing. The project has set up an expert group, which will be open to the participation of other experts by collaborative means, leading to a broader community "think tank" on the topic. This "Routing Cluster" will include not only experts from other relevant IST projects, but also from related international activities. The project will analyze and document the state of the art in standardization and policy, survey the users and service providers, and propose further alternative research and innovation strategies to address the identified challenges.

Logo: LACNIC IPv6 Tour


( The goal of this conferences series was to disseminate the latest knowledge on IPv6 protocol along the public policies of distribution of Internet services and resources. The conferences were held in 10 countries in Latin America and Caribbean area with more than 3500 attendees.

PROFIT Autotrans

The main objective of this project is the development of tools to easing the auto transition to IPv6 independently of the IPv4 connectivity used by specific network device. The aim is to get IPv6 in a transparen