European IPv6 TF IPv6 Cluster
Too bad ... using IPv4 from

Privacy Policy

In compliance with Spanish legislation related to Personal Data Protection (LOPD), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Information Society Services and E-Commerce Law (LSSI), Moremar S.L. informs the user about the existence of a file for which it is responsible, into which it will introduce the personal data provided.


This file is used only for the web site logistics, invoicing and delivery of products/services, alerts and news related to the service provided.

The legitimation is done by means of the explicit interested consent.

The user has the absolute liberty to provide the information related to personal data. However in the event that information is provided, the user should provide true and accurate personal information. Otherwise, we may not be able to provide correctly the services and consequently will not be liable for any consequences.

The destination of the data is only the owner of the web site and we don't transfer data to third parties.

The user, in accordance with the applicable legislation, can exercise the rights of access, rectification, supression, portability, limitation and opposition, by means of the contact form or by email to the following address webmaster at theipv6company dot com, as well ass making a claim to a control authority.

The data comes only from the information provided by the user.



Cookies Policy


We only use those cookies which are required for technicall reaons in order to allow and personalize the browsing in this web site, not including personal data.